Before posting - analyze your animated video Where to post your animated videos? Where to post to attract a broader audience? Where to post to engage more followers? Additional sources that will perfectly work for specific videos At last10 min read
Since somebody finally gets their animated video done, only 2 thoughts are crashing in their head: a “finally, we made this – thought” and “what shall we do next with this video thought”.
Do you know what are the best ways to boost your ready-to-go video in the network? What are the best platforms to find your target audience and engage with it with the help of an animated video? Since your answer is no, you are so much welcome to read our detailed guide on how to create a successful video marketing campaign on the net.
Before posting – analyze your animated video
Most of the answers to the question “Where my video needs to be to work effectively” are usually hidden in the video itself. For example, you have created a “Question and Answer” video about your software. Then think of all the places where your customer might have questions regarding your software.
That’s where your video would be really useful. It could be your landing page, where he or she gets when sees your ads on the social network, or an e-mail with your company’s proposal of service. Find possible situations when your potential client would like to save his time and get the answers without calling or writing back.
Answer the following questions to find specific places where your video should be placed:
- What problems does your video solve?
- At which stages of communicating with your product or service, a customer might have these problems?
- What is your video`s CTA (call to action) part about? Does it fit your video`s placement?
In case you want to know more about metrics that will be a huge help in measuring your video`s effectiveness go ahead and read this article.
Where to post your animated videos?
- Your website
No matter where you are going to post your videos on the net, they should live on your website first. And it’s not only about sharing a video about your company or your service/product, you should regularly share new video content there like on a blog. That would increase your SEO a lot and boost the comprehension of your product, and, of course, sales.
- Your social media accounts
We will explain more specifically how to use video content on each of the platforms below, but in case you are new to video marketing still remember that featuring your videos on social networks is a need. Posting on your company’s Facebook, Instagram or even TikTok account allows you to promote your videos for reaching your specific goals (conversion, likes, impressions, and even leads).
- Other specific websites that suit your industry and video topic
We will get through them below as well.
Where to post to attract a broader audience?
Facebook and Instagram
Posting your video here is crucial, as Fb and Ig allow you not only to post for your followers but target thousands of people that might be interested in your product/service and could become your customers. Btw, they are the first (Fb) and the fifth (Ig) most popular social media sites in the world, due to the number of registered users.
Twitter and Tumblr
Tumblr and Twitter have similar functionality for the attraction of new visitors using hashtags. Even though the requirements for the video content on these platforms are a bit tight – you can always make short GIFs from the parts of your videos and encourage people to share them in a unique way using popular tags. Of course, leave the links for a full video version included.
Speaking of the short videos – they are a hot trend in our times of quick content consumption – we couldn`t miss out on TikTok. You can make teasers for your videos that will fit the length requirements of TikTok or Ig (1-minute videos max) and encourage the users to hit it to your other platforms like Youtube or website.
Speaking of the stats, the official 2021 statistics show that there are more than 800 million TikTok users in almost 150 markets around the world today. A good way to enrich your audience, huh?
This website is a great tool for you to build a trusted relationship with your potential customers, as Yelp is one of the first places people look to when trying to find more information about businesses in some particular area. And that could be you among them standing out with the professionally produced video that will attract lots of new customers.
Clutch – is an open platform with verified reviews for B2B types of businesses. That means that only a verified company can leave a review for another company that delivered her some type of service. And that’s what makes this source valuable for your business’s video – it is trusted!
Fill your company’s page on Clutch with the info, and, of course, leave videos related to your company to engage new clients. Darvideo Animation Studio has a Clutch acc as well filled with our video works.
This social network has millions of users, as well as half a million subreddits – niche communities inside of Reddit. These video subreddits can be a good place to submit your animated video piece, as well as any industry-specific subreddits you can find related to your video topic.
Where to post to engage more followers?
Uploading videos to YouTube seems the most natural thing ever for video marketers and average users.YouTube is the second-largest social media platform and one of the first video-specific platforms.
Still, posting on YouTube isn’t really about posting one video but more about engaging visitors and curating a community on your channel with bi-weekly or at minimum bi-monthly uploads. Try hosting your videos on YouTube on a schedule.
A professional social networking tool becomes even more powerful since they have prioritized video. Posting videos on your account is a key indicator of an actively used LinkedIn profile. Embed it instead of playing with external links to YouTube and reach a larger amount of your contacts` screens.
Even though it’s one of the most user-friendly platforms for video hosting Vimeo`s brand emphasizes creativity way more than Youtube does. 3D animated videos, character animation, and visually bright and professional animated videos – that’s what makes your follower-numbers shine on Vimeo.
Additional sources that will perfectly work for specific videos
This video-sharing website lets users publish mostly social videos related to politics, war, or other worlds` important events. That’s what makes this platform perfect for NGOs and non-profit organization videos that could tell about everything starting from ocean pollution to cosmic flights to Mars engagingly.
This platform is heaven for explainer animated videos, especially guides and tutorials that could be shared effectively there among other same videos. Only a certain type of content is acceptable here, but if you fit, it’s a great way to show your video to an interested audience.
This platform is the little heaven for lifestyle lovers, fashion geeks, and inspiration seekers. Thus, in case the products you produce fits these social network`s requests – your videos could become a part of thousands of wish lists and boost your sales a lot as a result.
At last
Having a cool animated video about your company or a product/service you produce is nothing since you didn`t share it with your target audience and the world. That’s why the usage of the platforms explained above is the best way to reach it!