2 min read
This video about not traditional insurance was made in not traditional manner. We show a dialog of two friends who explain what Guardia is and what are the benefits. Video is colourful and fun to watch.
Video details & Credits
- Duration: 100 seconds
- Format: 2d animation
- Client: Guardia (Czech)
- Agency: Target Pictures Production (Czech)
- Studio:
- Timing: 6 weeks
Anna (O.S): Oh, hi Gustav.
G: Hi. How are you doing?
A: I‘m just coming from Guardia.
G: Where? Garda (meaning Lago di Garda in Italy)?
A: No (laugh)! Guardia. This amazing company that helps you with everything related to protecting your property.
A (cont’d): Not just wills and insurance, much, much more.
G: I don't understand...
A: Well, they guide you on how family assets are properly distributed to heirs for example.
A (cont’d): My friend is now having a fight with her sister
A (cont’d): just because they inherited their parents' house together
A (cont’d): and she wants to sell it and her sister doesn't.
G: Oh...and we can do something about it, right? To avoid a duel to death with my brother if we inherit something together.
A (chuckles): You can prevent it on your will. G: And Guardia only protects assets in the case I die? A: No, you can also have comprehensive protection, A (cont’d): and you protect yourself and your family during your life in addition to your heirs. A (cont’d): For example, if you cause a car accident
A (cont’d): and you cause a damage that exceeds the compulsory liability,
A (cont’d): so that they don't take all your properties and you end up on the street.
G: And insurance isn't enough to save somebody as gorgeous as myself?
A: Insurance isn’t enough.
A (cont’d): Guardia combines different ways of protecting your assets
A (cont’d): including company shares, cryptocurrency and more..
G: And what exactly do I get from Guardia?
A: You get specific advice and recommendations for your particular situation on how to protect your assets.
G: Sounds like a job for Guardians of the Policy! And how will they do that?
A: First, you should contact Guardia
A (cont’d, VO): by sending an e-mail to
A (cont’d, VO): or booking an appointment online at their website.
A (cont’d, VO): Then, after you make a payment,
A (cont’d, VO): Guardia will send you a questionnaire to fill out.
A (cont’d, VO): Within 14 days after you send the filled questionnaire back to Guardia,
A (cont’d, VO): they’ll send you a custom recommendation letter telling you what to do in your specific case.
G: Great, thank you! G (cont’d): Let’s go for dinner tomorrow and you can tell me more!
A: Call Guardia now to put your affairs in order.