1 min read
A simple overview of how Adozi Courses are to be used from a student’s perspective as a phone based learning management system that integrates theory and lab skills education into one application.
Video details & Credits
- Duration: 70 seconds
- Format: 2d animation
- Client: Adozi
- Studio:
- Timing: 4 weeks
A big day! After years of development, that new game changing product is finally shipping. Product, check. Customers, check. Now all that is left is to train and certify (slowing pace) tens of thousands of internal and third party technicians. Bring useful and flexible training with accountability to your skilled workforce through Adozi.
Adozi combines theory and hands-on training into a single app. Enabling the distribution and retention of knowledge through repeated app based practice. Push course updates and refresh lessons, guaranteeing everyone is up to date, rather than a simple technical note. And after completing the self paced theory learning, provide your workforce with streamlined hands on training.
Seamlessly coordinating students and instructors to efficient, quick, and focused, hands on training sessions. Adozi is your learning management system, delivering the confidence you need to train and maintain your skilled workforce.