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Aquaramа Informational Video


1 min read

About: Aqualama decorates the center of Aquarama and celebrates Christmas. The film is atmospheric and entertaining.

From client: We have created the illustrations and made animation of the video according to the script of the client.

Video details & Credits:

  • Duration: 60 seconds
  • Format: 2d graphics with character animation
  • Type: Animated Informational Video
  • Production: Darvideo Animation Studio |
  • Agency: Animer Animation Studio. Darvideo has been commissioned to create illustrations and animation by Norwegian animation studio Animer.
  • Timing: 5 weeks

Story: This is a video about Aqualama and a security guard. The action takes place in the pool Aquaramа. Aqualаmа with a security guard decorate the pool on Christmas Eve. All visitors gather at the holiday table. Everyone including Aqualama and security guard receive gifts. Storyboard Aquarama Video

Sketch Storyboard

Final result

Final video

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