1 min read
About: Coffee Shop Meet for eCYCLE Works is an explainer video about special warming parts (grips) for a bicycle. We see two friends riding their bikes and talking:
- Let’s get some Coffee
- Can’t stop, hand too cold to reach brake lever
- I’ alright!!! Can we get some warm coffee now!
- Don’t worry I have got this one!
- Come get you fresh hot coffee.
- Sorry, my hand could not grasp the cup.
- Was worried that might happen. I already bought you a backup cup. First, warm you hand on my grip.
- eCYCLE WORKS carries heated grips for all types of bikes. They are a game change for all riding conditions.
- Now that’s life! I am able to move my fingers!
- After the coffee, I am racing home and going to com
We helped to explain how it all works for their clients with an attractive and funny animated explainer video about two bicycle riders. Made with passion @