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Solid Drawing Animation. Dictionary by Darvideo

Solid Drawing Animation


Solid Drawing Animation is the process of adding height, depth, and weight to a drawing to make it look believable on a 2D surface. With the help of this animation process volume, weight and balance are added and the drawings are then turned into three-dimensional figures. In 2D animation, Solid Drawing is the technique through which you add depth and weight to an image. This method gives the 2D image a 3D effect.

The way an object is placed on a 2D surface decides its appearance and gives it the illusion of a 3D object. An animator needs to be able to draw an image from any angle. Once you have a solid drawing of that image you will be able to animate your drawing easily and make it seem more real. Solid Drawing Animation

Uses of Solid Drawing Animation

You will find Solid Drawing Animation being used almost everywhere. All the 3D video graphics for movies, games, commercials, cartoons, etc. make use of Solid Drawing to come up with realistic 3D animation.

Whilst converting a solid drawing to its animation, the animator has to ascertain that the mass, size, and shape are created according to the characters’ personalities and needs. For example, when you draw a cube, you cannot use parallel lines as that will remove depth from the picture and make it look flat. To make the object look 3D, lines need to be merging towards a vanishing point. Uses of Solid Drawing Animation | Dictionary

Additional Information

The animator that creates the Solid Drawing should be a skilled draftsman that knows about creating and laying down shapes in 3-dimension. He also needs to understand the basics of weight, light, anatomy, and shadow to be able to create a picture that can be translated on a 3D surface. The animator that transfers the solid drawing to the computer screen needs to be skilled and have a good understanding of the concepts of composition, shadows, lighting, etc.

To produce a more life-like animation the animator should also know the various angles of cameras, the screen projection of the image, negative space perspective, the attitude and the scale of the character, and the visual balance of the figure compared to other elements on the screen. We at Darvideo would like to make the magic happen in your project as well!

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