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Custom 2D Animation

What is custom 2D animation?

Custom 2D Animations are used to tell stories that involve more customized and complex characters instead of flat animated characters. You’ll find that the characters we create in Custom 2D Animations will be more detailed and have more artistic touches than any other type of Animation. This is because we employ Raster Graphics to create Custom 2D Animations which in itself are difficult to use and require the help of experienced professionals.

We create all the detailed and complicated designs in Custom 2D Animations by employing this method.  Backgrounds are extremely detailed and are created keeping in mind the clients’ needs. We include more shadows, textures, colors, objects, and depths in this type of animation. We use more color themes when creating the characters and backgrounds and this helps in producing a more striking video.

Coming to the characters, we make sure that all the characters used in Custom 2D Animations are immensely detailed in their features and expressions. The characters will also be very active and be able to display tons of emotions like talking, moving, dancing, etc. 

In our experience

In the Custom 2D Animations we create, we play more with camera angles and make use of frame-by-frame elements of animation. We also enhance our camera flows and add interesting transitions to make the video captivating.

In this type of animation, Darvideo takes help from its top artists, top animators, and top voiceover talents to bring complicated animations to life. We also offer custom arts/styles to the clients according to their needs and requirements. Whilst creating Custom 2D Animations we put our precise and patient touches on every stage of production. We never sell or create an animation in rush mode.

This is why the creation of a Custom 2D Animation takes up to 2 months. Our goal at the studio is to always produce work that is of high quality and meets all the required standards.

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