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How to run video marketing campaign if you are an owner of a small business

Any business at some point has started with something on its way to success. We know how the giant corporations did it in their times, what kind of marketing they used and so on. But, it is different today. If you launch some business, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are craving to repeat the way others made their way to the top.

Many small businesses never want to change their scale, because they originally wanted to stay at this size. However, it doesn’t change your goals. It does change the number of efforts you need to dedicate. Small businesses quite often refuse to scale up because the owners already built the team that feels like a family and the compound strength seems to be incredible.


However, to keep the brand going one needs to understand how to stay close to the audience on one hand, and on the other, how to make even more people become loyal customers. These people will support you even in the darkest times, and help you grow in every respect. Once you have even a small community built in some social media, you have to think about the ways to incorporate video in your marketing strategy.

You know what?

The fact that you are the owner of a small business is even better for you. Let’s take a look at why that is so. First of all, this is the best time for small and medium-sized projects. People tend to support such efforts more and more, and the relationship between the audience and such a project is rather close and trustful. Something that is hard to achieve if you are already working with a big corporation. Don’t you agree? Meeting at work in the article Video Marketing Campaign Small businesses and startups couldn’t survive if they won’t build thorough marketing funnels. It doesn’t matter if you already draw a great customer flow plan; if you don’t find a way to attract your audience and eventually turn them into advocates of the brand. How to do this? Well, the answer is both easy and a bit complex: use video marketing to make people interested in you, and don’t forget about the animation.


Why video?

Even though in our utterly and completely visual age it shouldn’t be a question to wonder about, let’s figure out how it can help your brand or even a startup that just started its way in the industry. Many respectful resources have predicted that up to 2021 most of the contents will be video.

Some were less straightforward and claimed that visual content couldn’t be beaten. That’s what people want to see. No matter to what extent that is the truth. What we know for sure is that video content is the most popular form of engaging and communicating with people. Therefore, you have to create such content in order to convey not only your ideas, value, and provide your audience with interesting things related to your project, but also because this is the main medium.


In marketing and generally, in every area. If you think people watch the video in order to spend time or to entertain themselves, you are wrong. It might be crucial to know that under some funny video on YouTube there are millions of views. But…it’s not crucial. What is really important is that people like and choose to get information in the form of video. That is why startup videos or explainers use video to educate their audience. Man shows statistics in an article for small business Information that has been presented in the form of images – no matter if these images are moving or not (well, at this point really doesn’t matter) – is the best way for users and customers to meet the product. Once they see it, they will probably remember at least something that is most catchy about it. So, It is effective to use photos, animation, and video. However, unlike photos, the video is not limited to one specific moment and can tell more about the product (here’s where these images are moving or not became important).

What is so great about animation anyway? We are not going to list the reasons why this medium is better than the others. It is better in some ways, but the tools you want to use should be chosen accordingly to your goals. For what it’s worth, animation proved to be extremely useful for lots of things and industries. So, why don’t you use the most relevant ways to convey what you intend to say to your audience through the video? Let’s start again. How should your video fit into the marketing funnel?


What to begin with when making a video marketing strategy?

Before you start making videos about your product, you should be fully prepared with information. Not only the information about those who you are going to work for, but also how you want to frame your brand. Let’s take a closer look at what to prepare yourself for while you’re on the inquiry stage. People are busy - Marketing Campaign for Business article

  • Know your audience – There is no proper marketing without this. All your actions will be based on knowledge of who your audience is – the average age gender, its likes and dislikes, motivations, values etc. If you achieve the understanding of your potential buyers you will be easily converting them into real ones. Create your buyer persona and use it as a foundation to build a user-journey map and user flow.
  • Engage (or just don’t be boring) – there are so many videos around! Some of them are really good and already became viral, some are less effective. Anyway, to stand out from competitors you have got to look for unique things to display.
  • Promote your video on the proper platforms – even though the video is number one medium on the internet, it doesn’t mean your audience will magically find it. Promote it on YouTube, of course, but also on other platforms that are related to your business. Search for the platforms you are going to use for promotion later.
  • Provide value – what we mean here, except for the obvious part is that your audience should get something they find really useful. How can you provide them with this? Remember the first point? Once you know your audience, it’ll be easier to create such videos.
  • Plan your funnel – any effective marketing funnel consists of the chain of steps. Once you know your audience you are left with one thing – to incorporate value that will be useful and easily recognized on each of these stages. Educate your audience and never bore them.


How to design your video marketing strategy?

Let’s say one vital thing: video is not just an amazing medium, and the most important form to communicate with the audience. It’s first and foremost is a form of content. It can be made in different forms and affect the viewers differently. Do you know what else? Like any other type of content, it should be placed in some phase of the marketing funnel. A new idea in an article about video marketing A video marketing funnel is a specifically designed chain of videos, that contains triggers, and is supposed to perform certain tasks at each stage of the content marketing funnel. If your business is supposed to be small or you just started your path, you should be extremely specific in your videos.

Together, your videos walk followers into the buyer’s journey. Practically, you attract people by addressing problems, educate your audience, and, if you make everything right, convert them into leads and sales. What is really surprising is that building your video marketing funnel isn’t a very complicated task. But in some conditions: you should know your goals, and you should know your audience. After this, you have to make sure everybody gets the right message at each stage of the funnel. Let’s start with the


Top-of-the-funnel videos.

What are these? If your product addresses a specific problem or challenge, put it in appropriate context and explain how exactly you can resolve this. This often means a very simple thing: in order to define a problem, a buyer should be really sure that you know it from all the sides.

Middle-of-funnel videos are the next ones. Here the explaining part comes: you show how exactly you will solve the problems your prospects are facing.

Finally, we get to bottom-of-funnel videos. Here you are converting those who are just watching you into those that are ready to buy from you. This is a crucial stage: your audience should really decide to become your customers. Discussion in the article Video Marketing for Business

What kind of videos to include in your video marketing strategy?

Customer Testimonial Video

Looking for ambassadors? Consider converting your customers into ambassadors for your brand. If you can ask an existing customer to go on video, then, you can use it for your good. The brand will win, especially if your brand – is a small business. First of all, it helps to create a great impression on other customers. Second, it increases trust. Third, other customers will have someone to identify with. While your words might be convincing enough, it is still useful to listen to real customers.


How-To clips

This category is one the most popular on the internet. So why wouldn’t you apply something here? Try to be creative, incorporate your own unique vision into these videos. There are many things in regard to your product that can be learned by other people. Besides, how-to videos are not only super useful but also hit the top of views every year.


Demo Video

Here you just highlight what a product consists of – its features, characteristics etc. Such a brand’s video often leads to buying decisions among those who watch it. Remember, here you share ideas about your work by explaining its strong sides.


Startup video

Why don’t you start with a video? Of course, this is just a part of a promotion, but still. Here you can give an overview of the product, brand, and your values. Achieving the result in the article Marketing for Small Business

Product Review Video

A product review video is supposed to give a particular product or service detailed review. Show the benefits of your product or service, and let your customers know better about what they are signing up when choosing to support your product.



Video content can be so different – funny, educational, inspiring, moving or just informative. You can talk from the first person or invent the “I” of the company. Video can help put a face to your brand and make it really easy to remember.

Do you know what is best in small businesses? Real people. It is not a secret that people love to buy from those they can see, talk to and who want to be closed from them. This is what any small business is in its core.

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